Thursday, April 27, 2006


Friday April 14th was Easter.On that day,all of Churchs were noisy as parish would come in to celebrate Jesus's Revive.
My family went to the church to rejoin Jesus's Revive.My father took us by car and we dressed beautiful.There were a great many people arrived there than us.It was special as usually and decorated the church with lovely symbol.Everybody were pleasant at atmosphere of peace and clam.
The main progress were watching video and gathered toshare food.The massage was Jesus love human being very much.The video was display the process of Jesus in youth and God how to save human being's spirit even abandoned his son.Jesus aways wore out in his life.Spread gospel was real a tough task. The view of Jesus was tacked by Roman soldiers that made me tear.Actually,I have been watched it since in china.Still now the mood of down,when I see Romany treated to Jesus rudely.In a word,God love us without in reture expect for we would love as the same as his love.
Then we were going to have a big dinner afer finished video.we sat down to eat in a wonderful mood.We said that we were thankful for plenty of food.we gobbled the food down till we were stuffed.
At the end of we blessing to each other,I made my own wish :''next year's Easter be just like today......

Wednesday, April 26, 2006



Wednesday, April 19, 2006

How We Learn

Students in your class are different from one other .You also different in appearance ,nationality.Even thought the method of studying ,there are three normal way to learn subject in usual.
Some students like to sit the front of the classroom in which close to teacher.They could listen to the massay clearer and absord easily from reading ,handout .They would carefully with their notebook make sure that not leave out. From the way that you can has a quick notice remember and has a compelet review pror knowlege.
Some students like doing excises homework.They believe that "Practies makes perfect.The other stuents regard as a silly way .They are proud of their intelligent and consider theirselves always right.Though

Sunday, April 16, 2006

4月14日 星期五 阴

天黑沉沉,下着濛濛细雨,大气中弥漫着阴冷之气,令人起鸡皮疙瘩.我与妹妹站在地下铁的通道上,衣衫单薄,便觉得分外的冷.4月14日是受难日,实在是个难忘的一天. 平常热闹的subway,也许是放假的缘故,今天显得很冷清,稀疏地坐着两三人.我与妹妹坐在偌大的车间里,一边捧地图,一边问路.我们就象温室里的花朵,禁不起外界的风浪.转了2个小时仍然找不到医院,祸不单行.我们放弃,决定折回地铁.我大大咧咧的用"student card",刷地进入.这时一位女警察挥手将我们拦住,我的神经立即紧张起来,不好的预感.....果然他给了我一张罚单,我尽力解释,但是于是无补.真是 我真是哑巴吃黄莲--有苦说不出.人生最可怕的不是明知山有虎,偏向虎山行.而是这事不能做,你却不知道.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

<<悲惨世界>> 写作技巧
